Sunday, April 21, 2013

It's been a long while... It's been an outrageous year.

Work was crazy, family was even more crazy... Sister got married. Her new husband is awesome. My social life was quiet at best. Thought I met a great guy, but he was too damaged to even try. So a little ways into the new year, I added a new member to my family. An 8 week old female Staffordshire Bull Terrier, Danu. She literally brought a light back into my dim life. She has been a challenge and a joy, and I am so grateful for her presence. At times when life swirls to hard in my brain, I forget to "smell the roses." Danu has certainly given me an anchor point. Her needs as a puppy have helped me regroup and engage my life again...

Saturday, November 24, 2012

They keep telling me it will get better...

I know I can't change them.... and they will never either. But sometimes the crazy is more than I can bear. This is one of those times. Word to the wise, terminal illnesses have weird side effects. Primarily, mental or subconscious effects. Personality quirks seem to be magnified. And it is absolutely maddening! It's been a bumpy ride the last few months. Throw on a gnarly fire season and my will was tested. It's taken a few months to get it together. I will admit that I am not there yet, but getting close...

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

some day...

Some will  let me love and breath..

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

so dark...

Seems like nothing is flowing right.

Monday, October 15, 2012

testosterone will kill you

If your attendence isn't required... Then ask the question...?

one day...

Terminal parents are way more than a handful...
They can be really mean too...
I don't know what to do anymore......

one day...

Terminal parents are way more than a handful...
They can be really mean too...
I don't know what to do anymore......