Monday, December 12, 2011

kinda cranky...

The holidays make me crazy and I never feel caught up!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

why now

Why is it that when we finally need a rock... None is to be found.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A break from the reality channel...

Survived the move back to SLC...

Got the opportunity to by my dream jeep.  Presently, I am driving it home from Nebraska!!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Inner Peace, In the Inner City...

Today is the first day I have stopped my brain and breathed in SLC again.  It is so weird to be back. I didn't want this for myself...

Sometime "life/destiny" has other plans.

So I did the right thing, and some hard things.

Who knew it could have turned out so well.  Even Cosmo was more settled in before me.

But, tonight was "the cherry."

The stars aligned and I got to see them from my little deck downtown SLC....and I am gunna get some quality time with my parents, while I can.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

In a new space...

Well I have landed in UT.  I also am buying a new home and starting a new job. It's a lot to pile on a plate while in the midst of a crazy wildfire season and worrying about Mom and Dad.  Both are on a cruise in Alaska with friends. I am glad they are making their time "quality time."

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

pack and load...

Moving day is finally here and the crew is knocking it out. Won't be long and I will be settled in Salt Lake City...

Thursday, June 16, 2011


I wish I was a more powerful girl...

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

I get asked if I am scared....

I don't have time to think about me.

But I know my parental "holding net", went away a long time ago.  It's more scary now than ever!

Here's the hard part.....

Managing emotions on this level is just as painful as in your face.

i don't believe anymore...

I have lost so much faith.

Freak it's been a gnarly day...

Sunday, April 3, 2011

I have been a bad blogger....

Things have been so hectic since I took this detail in SLC, UT. The job is going great, but it is thought to live in a "state of flux."  However, it  is paying off! I have a new job starting June 20. I will be working for the Bureau of Land Management Utah State Office as the State Trespass Coordinator.
This is a good thing on several levels. 1)closer to family, 2) still moving up the food chain, and 3) I now have the opportunity to pursue my masters degree.
It was also time to be closer to my family. Dad is a little further from the reality channel, yet Mom is stable in her condition.
Been doing a lot of house hunting.... Hope the "house selling" will go smoothly too...
Gotta get back to the chores!

Sunday, January 23, 2011


I am so exhausted, I can't sleep...

Just to catch up...
So much has happened... the stars came into alignment and I am on detail in UT for120 days starting 01/03.

Now that I am here, UT, the madness grows daily.

I am living in limbo.  I don't belong anywhere, with the exception to duty.

To much to go into at this time..... Just want  to breath!!!!!!!!