Saturday, June 26, 2010

CAT scan next week

It's been crazy.  The spring trip to Hawaii was bumped up to this fall.  Mom has a CAT scan next week. 
She is starting to become more tired and sweets don't taste good anymore.  That's got a be a bummer. 
Meanwhile, I am contending with a vicious cold and some big deadlines (my own inflictions of course).
No matter what your status, don't forget to tell the ones that you love, how much you love them!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Big Reality Check

All my life my family moved.  We rarely went to the same school two years in a row.  The one exception was junior high.  We actually attended school in the same school district for approximately 4 years.
I have never stayed in touch with anyone from school/college.  I moved a lot as an adult too. 
This means that my Mom and sister, Michele, are the only other people that have been through everything in my life, I realized I don't have a huge network of friends and family that KNOW me and my life.
With Mom fighting her battle and a sister that is in the military, works as a nurse and a single mom... I suddenly became aware that once my Mom completes her life cycle, all I will have left will be my sister. 
I feel like my life is disappearing.  I don't have the network of life long friends to help me re-live the memories of my life. 
I love my sister, but the truth is that she has a busy life and struggles just to remember to return calls.  She has never come to visit me.  I don't even know how she could pull it off with her demanding schedule.
I am terrified....  I don't have a husband, children or anyone else to help me remember my life... my history.
My father... is starting to forget.  The Alzheimer's will take his memories and history too.
This has become the most lonesome and frightening emotion that I have experienced in this journey.